Transporte de Aeropuerto a Novotel Santiago Vitacura

Servicio Famili

Servicio Familiar
  • Passenger 3 Passenger Bag 10
  • Desde $ 160

Opciones de taxi para Novotel Santiago Vitacura

Dirección: Av. Américo Vespucio Norte, 1630, Vitacura, 6671408 , Santiago de Chile, 7500000
Servicio Familiar
Servicio Familiar

VW o similar

Confirmación inmediata.
Precio fijo - Chofer bilingüe.
Monitoreo de vuelo. Bienvenida
Price per vehicle. Up to 3 passengers.
Passenger Bag
2 Maletas C & 8 Maletas G
$ 160
$ 200
Ahorre $40
Impuestos incluidos

1 Reviews of Airport Transportation to Novotel Santiago Vitacura

discoverymundo country flags
New Zealand
I only remembered to book a shuttle at the very last minute - I was actually in the departure lounge of Auckland airport. However, the driver was waiting at arrivals gate for us when we reached Santiago. He was east to find and was very helpful and friendly. Did not speak English but that was fine. Fast efficient service.